Ethiopia Arise e.V.
A huge goal for a yet small organization
The emblem of Ethiopia Arise symbolizes through the upturned arrow and the coalescence of the colors of the German and the Ethiopian ensigns that the aim of the organization is to help Ethiopia to arise.

To be able to arise, the weakest of the society need the best help.
Therefore Ethiopia Arise is trying as good as possible to support poor families, old people and especially children and their single mothers, who have to beg at the streets.

The multifarious partnership between Ethiopia and Germany was displayed and experienced through my first wife Ruth Betz until her death in 2018

and now with my new wife Elsabet Lema since 07 June 2020.
Thank you to all who trusted in us, supported us and helped us to continue giving hope and help in Ethiopia since 2008.
Ethioia Arise on social media:
Some activities of Ethiopia Arise are shown on the correspoding FaceBook and YouTube pages.
Current Activities
Report of May 2024

Save a Smile
Ethiopia arise e.V. has been undertaking different activities during this month. All the regular programs such as the daycare and the Saturday programs are going according to the plan. Children at the day care get nutritious breakfast and lunch every day. They spend their time by playing, learning and developing new skills and values.

Waiting for Breakfast Play time
Close to 100 school age children come to EA every Saturday. They get tutorials on different subjects, counseling and two meals in the morning sessions. 30 children get music training every Saturday and Thursday. There are 30 other children doing football training with their coach every Saturday afternoon.
During this month; we had food distribution for Easter Holiday, our children made their first public music performance, two staffs participated in annual orphan care summit and there was also a meeting with our beneficiary mothers to assess their potential for future IGA engagement. This report contains a summary of activities and success stories.
1. General Activities
New country representative
Ethiopia Arise has hired new country representative on the beginning of month of May. Her name is Seblewengel Tilahun. She has a background experience of working with vulnerable children and families. She is married have two children. She has a passion to contribute to holistic community development since her childhood as she used to volunteer for an international civil crevice organizations as early as age of 12. The new country representative is expected to work on organizational partnerships, local and international fund raising and leading the organization towards achieving its vision and mission.
Music Performance
Our children has performed their first music concert outside of Ethiopia Arise compound on May 12/2024 in the presence of their families and invited guests. The music program is called Enanye’s Children Music”. The name was given after the nick name of “Enanye” which the children gave to the founder of the organization Mrs. Ruth Betz. It was a great experience for them as they were preparing for long time to perform in public. Some of the guests expressed their appreciation and have interest to support the children in the future. Through hard work and long term training the children has now developed good skills in playing different music instruments such as Guitar both base and acoustic, drum and key board/piano. The music training is held twice a week with support and guidance of three professional music teachers. We wish to expand this training program in the near future by making it open for the community children as a means of income generating activity for the organization. Currently we are discussing the possibilities with concerned government bodies to fulfill the requirements.

Our children performing music in the presence of families and invited guests
Participation on the Annual Orphan Care Summit
Two staffs (Senior social worker and the country representative) were able to participate in the 7th Orphan Care Summit for two days. The summit was focused on increasing awareness about HVC and how alarming is the problem as there are still more than 5 million orphan children in Ethiopia. There were devotionals, life testimonies and different training topics were covered during breakout sessions. We had a chance to network and share experiences with people coming from similar organization.
2. Program Activities
Easter Food Distribution
A total of 184 beneficiary parents got 5Kg Teff, 5kg Flour, 1 Liter oil and soaps for the Easter Holiday. Though packages were small per family size, they were all happy and grateful for the support.
Parents also get sanitary soaps every month to keep their and children’s hygiene

Parents collecting food items for Easter
Psycho social support
Delivering Individual Counseling
During this month 5 children and one parent have received individual counseling service and on issues like behavioral disorder, parenting issues, academic related challenges, etc. During the sessions they have discussed about their problem and their own suggested solution with the social worker. They are still on continuous follow-ups.
Following up Absenteeism
During Easter food distribution time there was discussion with most absent children’s parents. During the discussion parents has indicated why their children are not attending the Saturday tutorial programs. Based on the finding, we had also a meeting with children above grade 9 to discuss their reason for not coming to the Saturday program and to get their feedback on the Saturday program. There were 18 children during this meeting and each of them stated their feedback on how the Saturday program could be more effective and attractive. The social worker, the country director and the tutorial class coordinator were part of the meeting. This meeting has helped us to identify the needs of the children and to design the program according to their inputs for the next project period.
Distribution of monthly sanitary pad
There is a monthly sanitary pad distribution for adolescent girls. While the girls come to take their pads they will have a chance to speak with the social workers on different topics. They freely discuss their personal challenges and get counseling and guidance.

Meeting with Mothers
One of the main objectives of Ethiopia Arise project is to enable mothers to be engaged in income generating activities while their little children stay at our day care programs. The aim is to enable the families to maintain secured income to be able to provide for themselves. There are 27 children in our day care program recently and their mothers are a now able to run small scale business or do labor works to earn income for their families.
In order to know whose with the potential of joining the limited IGA program we have called a meeting this month, focusing on parents who joined Ethiopia Arise recently. There were 24 parents attending the meeting.
And on the meeting we have discussed parents current working situation, what has changed in their life after their kids joined Ethiopia Arise day care center, their housing condition whether it is private or rented, what skills they have such as sewing, crochet making, etc.
It was an open discussion and very helpful to understand the needs and potential the mothers for IGA program and to proceed to the next step. At the end of the session the IGA proposal form was distributed to be filled and submitted on the due time.
Each of the mothers was given a chance to speak whether their children staying at Ethiopia Arise day care has brought any positive impact in their lifestyle. Most of the mother indicated they used to carry their children to unsafe places where they sell fruits and vegetables on the road side. Their children would be crawling and running on the streets that is full of trash and get sick every time. Now since their children are staying at the day care, they are doing their small scale business, engage in different labor works and are able to cover their house hold needs.

3. Success Stories
Tsinat Sintayehu
After 15 years of perseverance and commitment, Ethiopia Arise has produced the first Nurse to the community. Tsinat is one of the first children to come to Ethiopia Arise 15 years ago. She used to live with her grandmother and aunt in a very desperate condition by that time.
But after she got the chance of joining Ethiopia Arise day care, things began to change and the family economic condition started to get better.
After joining the day care program at the age of 3, Tsiant was raised with abundant care and love. She completed her grade 12 education under the support of Ethiopia Arise. She did not only get food, medical and other support but a family whom she is proud to come and visit after her stay in the project was over.
After she graduated from grade 12, direct supports were stopped but she was mentored and got follow ups that helped her to be resilient and fruitful. Tsinat will officially graduate from nursing school after two months. She has also completed 4 month training on Early Childhood development and already got hired to work in a government health center.
Zemach (mother of Leul)One of the mothers named Zemach said the following “I was not in a good health when in I first got a visit from Ethiopia Arise workers, when they told me my child is going to be taken care of at Ethiopia Arise, I told them that I will be able get some rest and focus on myself. I didn’t thought much would be changed in my life that time. But what happened was quite different. I started to feel better and got mentally ready to start to work again. Now am so grateful for your visit that day and for taking care of my boy. He is growing and is very healthy. I am now planning to send him to good school as he will be leaving the day care program soon.” peace and to ”
Report On IGA-Project —-Date 20/9/2022
Yeshiwork, Bethelihem Atnafu’s Mother
Yeshiwork was given 10,000.00 birr as a startup capital and first she began making Baltina at her house, because she is living in a kebele house it is convenient for her to do the business.
She was in the organization’s special family support service because she is living with HIV virus and a single mother providing four children. She was given 600.00 birr on monthly bases but now she is out of that support and showing a great progress on her business.
By now, she has bought bread oven and is baking bread for sell, additionally making handmade traditional plates for different use and has saved 9,134.57 birr in her account.

Worknesh , Bezawit Teshome’s Aunt
Worknesh is a single mother providing for her two children, one her son and the other her sister’s daughter Beza. She received the startup money in the current project season.
Before she was a janitor but during Covid epidemic she was reduced from work and became unemployed.
Making in Enjera for sell is the activity she engaged at first, she lives in a kebele house and she has a separate kitchen to use traditional Enjera stove.
At preset she has also began selling vegetables outside of her house. Worknesh is very courageous, hardworking and showing a fast change.

Etalem, Biruk Daniel’s Mother
She lives in private rented house with her husband and two children, and got the working place from the government. She sells coffee, tea, boiled potato and vegetables, coffee ceremony grass, bottled water etc
Before she was petty trader selling few vegetables on the street, which was illegal. After receiving the startup money three months ago; she fixed the place, bought all the necessary materials needed and began the sell within a few days. Etalem is very courageous, strong women and with a bright future in changing her family economic condition.

Megersa, Biftu and Birhanu’s Father
Megersa is the father of three. His wife and he strive a lot to raise their kids. They were given 10,000.00 birr to begin a hen farm but it was not successful as they expected it as a result they changed their business to selling of Hive body.
It is produce in Ambo and they sell it here in Adiss Ababa for urban farmers. In addition, they also bread goat and sheep and sell it on holydays.
They have saved 4,634.86 birr in their saving account and working well to the progress of their business.
Mekdes, Dagim Mengistu’s Mother
She was one of the mothers who took the seed money in the past project period. She was given 5,745.00 and has saved 2,600.00 in her account.
She is a single mother providing three children. The enjera making business is going well with her. She sells at her home and also receives order from shops.
She has built a traditional kitchen with corrugated iron, before it was without wall and was not convenient. She has a plan to buy a bread oven and to begin selling bread also.



Hiwot, Dagim Tatek’s Mother
Hiwot is a hard working women, she produce plastic show rack and also work as a janitor in a private office.
It was in the last project period Hiwot was given seed money to buy the sewing machine and all the materials needed for the work.
She was given 4090.00 birr and has saved 1000.00 birr. Hiwot has also bout a small shop which was prepared by the government office (kebele). But because the license is for printing and photocopy service she rented it.

Worke, Hana Tefera’s Mother
Worke is a single mother living in a private rented house with her only daughter. She uses to wash cloths as a means of earning income before getting the startup capital from Ethiopia Arise.
Now, by the money she has bought chips maker and she is arranging electric power to begin the work. She has also got a place to sell vegetable and she is working on that.

Yeshi, Kalkidan Habtamu’s mother
Yeshi is a very strong and hard working woman. She is a single mother and provides for three of her children.
This place was given by the government (kebele) and she sells vegetable and sugar. The place is in the road side and she has a good market.
She took 6000.00 birr from Ethiopia Arise before three months ago and she has saved 756.00 birr to her account by now.
Selamawit, Liuel and Yeabsira’s Mother
Selamawit works in the place she got from the government. She use to sell pajamas before but changed to selling sandals because of the demand.
Selamawit was given the seed money during the last project period. She was given 5460.00 birr as a startup and has saved 2847.01 birr at present.
She is the mother of two and they live in a private rented house. She covers the house rent payment and her children basic need.

Getenesh, Tewodros Mare’s Mother
She sells plastic kitchen materials on the place where the kebele gave her. It is in the road side and the market is good. The first business was children cloth sells but it was not profitable so they shifted to the current sells.
She was not working for the past three months because of maternity. During the time her husband was working and they are saving also.
Getenesh is the mother of three and they live in a private rented house. Her husband is a guard and he supports her during the day time.
Yehualashet Zinash Mulat’s Mother
Yehualashet sells coffee, tea and water. She got the working place from the government.
She got the startup money from Ethiopia Arise and makes the shelter and all the necessary materials for the business.
She is saving and working well. She lives with her child and husband and she is the only bread winner of the family because her husband is an addict and he is not working at all.

The total number of parents in the IGA program is twenty one and nineteen of them are actively working. Two parents from the program are not working at present, one she has an eye problem before three months and the other her place of work that she received from the kebele denied. This report contains twelve parents present condition because of time and location constraint.